"Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed."
Once we in the West were conned into allowing politics and economics to be separated from morality through the enlightenment and protestant reformation, all bets were off. It was a matter of time before we would all be tyrannized by sociopaths. The only hope for The West and thus ending its threat to world peace is a return to Catholicism. I am sure that sounds crazy, but I just see no other possible way forward. You can't have civilization and rule of law without morality. Adams said our system of government was only suited for a moral people. He was right. And the most organic source of morality for the West is its roots in Christendom. We must seek to restore Christendom. Jews may not control everything, but they are weaponized to attack all things Christian. As some Jews already know, the rest need to be brought along to understand as Israel is demonstrating that Jewish values cannot be the foundation of a functional civilized society. Vengeance, duplicity, tribal bias, usury, etc. I think a very solid case can be made that Jews are also better off under Christendom. Individual Jews are always welcome to join the actual New Israel, and become followers of Christ, but even if they don't care to, it would be wise to see that the current system driven by control hungry sociopaths threatens people of all faiths and ethnicities. If we unite in love and mutual respect and demand a return to a moral order, then this tiny group of sociopaths can no longer tyrannize us.
Not by accident. It was a concerted brainwash campaign to convince everyone that the unscrupulous selfishness by the individual somehow magically leads tothe greatest possible good for the collective.
I don't believe organized religion is the answer if only because it has not been successful. Look no further than to today's current events and you'll see how successful the three "greatest" world religions are (not). To be fair, Orthodox Christianity is seeing a comeback, but I believe it's mostly because of the traditional family values that it seeks to foster and protect, not so much the advancement of consciousness or illumination. I looked into it myself a few years ago - I was raised in the Roman Catholic tradition - and realized that both are very similar. In both, religions, the bible (does not matter which version) is taught denotatively instead of connotatively. This is a huge problem. As I see it, Jesus the historical figure (and whom we know very little about except for what was written about him centuries after his assassination), was a super-conscious human being who was trying to advance consciousness (as an aside, I don't think it was an accident that he was born in Palestine, but that's another discussion for another time). In this sense, he was the ultimate sovereigntist because by definition one cannot experience full consciousness without realizing one's sovereignty first. And until this happens, the world cannot have a new religion or myth. The mythical Jesus - the one talked about in the Bible - was in my opinion a psy-op. My current theory is that the scholars and propagandists of the Empire took pre-christian myths (there were many to choose from and from all over the world) and they cut and pasted Jesus onto them. In doing so, they made him the poster boy of their new religion which they called, conveniently, Christianity - great for the Empire, not good for the People. They thought that in killing Jesus bodily they would remove the threat to the Empire (they were/are materialists after all) but they just delayed it. But Jesus already knew this was going to happen. His understanding of such things was beyond temporality.
A society needs a shared operating system of behaviors and values as much as it needs a shared language in order for individuals to function collectively. Christendom was the last time The West had a functioning ethical shared operating system under the Roman Catholic Church. Now we have a grab bag of chaos where people spend their whole lives choosing among options only to awake at 60 and wonder why they have so few or even no children and no loving spouse and that they no longer value the product of their life's work! So your point about the family is not to the side, it is very much in the center of this problem. What is your suggestion for an organic system that already has roots in our culture? Orthodox is great if you are living in Greece or Russia or Bulgaria. I am speaking about people living in The West. I argue Catholicism is the rooted shared morality that our institutions were founded on and that if we return to it, we can have a chance of preserving our civilization. I also think it is true because otherwise it would have been long abandoned, but let's leave that debate to the side for now.
Organized religions, such as Catholicism, are the software not the operating system. The operating system is something else entirely. We have some understanding of the operating system through the information revealed in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls or the Vedas of the Hindu faith. The Roman Catholic Church needs to be gutted, but the chances of that happening are slim to none at this moment in time. Orthodoxy is definitely a viable option in the West. I conducted a deep dive into this when I moved to Georgia (USA) a few years ago and compared (literally by attending service, speaking to the priests, interacting with the congregants, and reading the literature they offered to prospective converts. I did not convert, btw). Both the Greek Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox church (both exist throughout the state - even in the most rural areas of Georgia!) are comprised of congregants of all ethnicities (I was surprised by this) as well as from the corners of western and eastern Europe. I even met a gentleman who was African American. From my vantage point, the Orthodox community is more vibrant and more engaged in their faith than the Catholic community and it is growing. There were also many converts: former Baptists, Lutherans, Catholics. However, I don't believe everyone needs organized religion to live a good and purposeful life. At least for this era, exposure (by a competent teacher or professor who is hip to the Machine) to philosophy, literature, art would go a long way instruct our youth - to say nothing of unearthing the true history of civilizations - not what we've been taught in schools (public and private). Think about this, when was the last time that the Catholic Church commissioned art for its grand cathedrals? (By design perhaps?)The art that graces our churches should no doubt be preserved and cherished for the masterpieces that they are, but much of that art reflected the understanding of the times in which it was created. Take Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, as an example. It is one example of the thinking of the times: an Old Testament god, a senior citizen with a white beard who rests no a cloud. This was believable in those times, but I can tell you that for my 15 year old, this is a caricature, a meme. He doesn't connect with this god. He is not intimidated by this god, nor does this god inspire him to do good things (he has his mother for that ;-). Collectively, our work is cut out for us. And there's a monumental amount of work that needs to be done, God help us. But in the meantime, thank you for the exchange of ideas, Aimee. Wishing you a very merry Christmas.
Great research, I do wonder if Holmes was recruited out of the Marshmallow experiments in Stanford? Just like the former, now deceased CEO of YouTube. Looking at Holmes schooling as well, no shortage of Freemasony. St Johns Non denomination school. St John being the Patron St of Freemasons. Obviously that is an exoteric stance they project, esoterically they kneel before Lucifer. The Morning Star. Looks and Sounds like she was groomed from childhood for their greater good. Goy Corporate control and ultimately Canon fodder.
"Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed."
Enlightening! Thank you!
"Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed."
Revelation 13: 11-12
Once we in the West were conned into allowing politics and economics to be separated from morality through the enlightenment and protestant reformation, all bets were off. It was a matter of time before we would all be tyrannized by sociopaths. The only hope for The West and thus ending its threat to world peace is a return to Catholicism. I am sure that sounds crazy, but I just see no other possible way forward. You can't have civilization and rule of law without morality. Adams said our system of government was only suited for a moral people. He was right. And the most organic source of morality for the West is its roots in Christendom. We must seek to restore Christendom. Jews may not control everything, but they are weaponized to attack all things Christian. As some Jews already know, the rest need to be brought along to understand as Israel is demonstrating that Jewish values cannot be the foundation of a functional civilized society. Vengeance, duplicity, tribal bias, usury, etc. I think a very solid case can be made that Jews are also better off under Christendom. Individual Jews are always welcome to join the actual New Israel, and become followers of Christ, but even if they don't care to, it would be wise to see that the current system driven by control hungry sociopaths threatens people of all faiths and ethnicities. If we unite in love and mutual respect and demand a return to a moral order, then this tiny group of sociopaths can no longer tyrannize us.
Not by accident. It was a concerted brainwash campaign to convince everyone that the unscrupulous selfishness by the individual somehow magically leads tothe greatest possible good for the collective.
I don't believe organized religion is the answer if only because it has not been successful. Look no further than to today's current events and you'll see how successful the three "greatest" world religions are (not). To be fair, Orthodox Christianity is seeing a comeback, but I believe it's mostly because of the traditional family values that it seeks to foster and protect, not so much the advancement of consciousness or illumination. I looked into it myself a few years ago - I was raised in the Roman Catholic tradition - and realized that both are very similar. In both, religions, the bible (does not matter which version) is taught denotatively instead of connotatively. This is a huge problem. As I see it, Jesus the historical figure (and whom we know very little about except for what was written about him centuries after his assassination), was a super-conscious human being who was trying to advance consciousness (as an aside, I don't think it was an accident that he was born in Palestine, but that's another discussion for another time). In this sense, he was the ultimate sovereigntist because by definition one cannot experience full consciousness without realizing one's sovereignty first. And until this happens, the world cannot have a new religion or myth. The mythical Jesus - the one talked about in the Bible - was in my opinion a psy-op. My current theory is that the scholars and propagandists of the Empire took pre-christian myths (there were many to choose from and from all over the world) and they cut and pasted Jesus onto them. In doing so, they made him the poster boy of their new religion which they called, conveniently, Christianity - great for the Empire, not good for the People. They thought that in killing Jesus bodily they would remove the threat to the Empire (they were/are materialists after all) but they just delayed it. But Jesus already knew this was going to happen. His understanding of such things was beyond temporality.
A society needs a shared operating system of behaviors and values as much as it needs a shared language in order for individuals to function collectively. Christendom was the last time The West had a functioning ethical shared operating system under the Roman Catholic Church. Now we have a grab bag of chaos where people spend their whole lives choosing among options only to awake at 60 and wonder why they have so few or even no children and no loving spouse and that they no longer value the product of their life's work! So your point about the family is not to the side, it is very much in the center of this problem. What is your suggestion for an organic system that already has roots in our culture? Orthodox is great if you are living in Greece or Russia or Bulgaria. I am speaking about people living in The West. I argue Catholicism is the rooted shared morality that our institutions were founded on and that if we return to it, we can have a chance of preserving our civilization. I also think it is true because otherwise it would have been long abandoned, but let's leave that debate to the side for now.
Organized religions, such as Catholicism, are the software not the operating system. The operating system is something else entirely. We have some understanding of the operating system through the information revealed in the Nag Hammadi Scrolls or the Vedas of the Hindu faith. The Roman Catholic Church needs to be gutted, but the chances of that happening are slim to none at this moment in time. Orthodoxy is definitely a viable option in the West. I conducted a deep dive into this when I moved to Georgia (USA) a few years ago and compared (literally by attending service, speaking to the priests, interacting with the congregants, and reading the literature they offered to prospective converts. I did not convert, btw). Both the Greek Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox church (both exist throughout the state - even in the most rural areas of Georgia!) are comprised of congregants of all ethnicities (I was surprised by this) as well as from the corners of western and eastern Europe. I even met a gentleman who was African American. From my vantage point, the Orthodox community is more vibrant and more engaged in their faith than the Catholic community and it is growing. There were also many converts: former Baptists, Lutherans, Catholics. However, I don't believe everyone needs organized religion to live a good and purposeful life. At least for this era, exposure (by a competent teacher or professor who is hip to the Machine) to philosophy, literature, art would go a long way instruct our youth - to say nothing of unearthing the true history of civilizations - not what we've been taught in schools (public and private). Think about this, when was the last time that the Catholic Church commissioned art for its grand cathedrals? (By design perhaps?)The art that graces our churches should no doubt be preserved and cherished for the masterpieces that they are, but much of that art reflected the understanding of the times in which it was created. Take Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, as an example. It is one example of the thinking of the times: an Old Testament god, a senior citizen with a white beard who rests no a cloud. This was believable in those times, but I can tell you that for my 15 year old, this is a caricature, a meme. He doesn't connect with this god. He is not intimidated by this god, nor does this god inspire him to do good things (he has his mother for that ;-). Collectively, our work is cut out for us. And there's a monumental amount of work that needs to be done, God help us. But in the meantime, thank you for the exchange of ideas, Aimee. Wishing you a very merry Christmas.
Great research, I do wonder if Holmes was recruited out of the Marshmallow experiments in Stanford? Just like the former, now deceased CEO of YouTube. Looking at Holmes schooling as well, no shortage of Freemasony. St Johns Non denomination school. St John being the Patron St of Freemasons. Obviously that is an exoteric stance they project, esoterically they kneel before Lucifer. The Morning Star. Looks and Sounds like she was groomed from childhood for their greater good. Goy Corporate control and ultimately Canon fodder.
Thank you. What you suggest is ppssible, but I don't have any info on that.
Interesting. Why I all the time suspected something like this ?
Oh, I know: I'm a "conspiracy thinker"
I prefer "conspiracy analyst" =)
Red Pill was a gift to me. That I read, but I was sceptical about.
In the Obama, McCain election I realised the Americans were controlled by a UniParty.
I have ordered your Book.
Hopefully, I'll receive it before the fallout.
Great post Alex. Hitler was fighting against these same bankers & he lost... the fight with them continues.
"Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence, and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed."
Revelation 13: 11-12